Saturday, 25 August 2012


Lost in an overwhelming sense of being pleased with myself, having built my chest set, I sent out the last few posts with an unnecessary number of words.

I did notice the stark contradiction to my original claim that my blog would be mostly (or entirely) pictures.

Reminding myself that I'm not overly talented when it comes to writing, and also that this blog is about making things, this next post (and hopefully those to follow) will come free from recipe like descriptions.

I will just say: I made a garden trug (to understand this word - see below) as a gift. I got the idea for the design in the world's most seventies woodwork book ever (featuring some amazing photography.)

See below.

My Workshop (sigh).

Done, now to collect some vegetables.

(One of my favourite things about making this was getting to use my shiny plane for the first time! Planing rocks.)